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Klamer, A.

Klamer, A.

Arjo Klamer, born in Eenrum, the Netherlands, in 1953. Ph.D. from Duke University, Durham. Professor of Cultural Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Fellow (1 September 2011 – 30 June 2012)


My time at NIAS was dedicated to writing a book entitled “Doing the Right Thing: A Value Based Approach to Economics”. It was a time of radical rethinking of economics with as a moral science, as it was before the 1930’s. During this year I worked at a series of new concepts and perspectives which I have tried out in a series of lectures, seminars and workshops in the Netherlands and abroad. The book is half way.

In addition I organized a couple of workshops at NIAS, one on Cultural Economics (as a prelude for a book series issued by Amsterdam University Press) and one on Liberalism and Neoliberalism.

With Tazuko van Berkel I struck up the plan to work on a paper about moral accounting.

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