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Khosroyev, A.L.

Khosroyev, A.L.

Alexandr Khosroyev, born in Orenburg, Russia, in 1953. Ph.D. from St. Petersburg State University. Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.

The programme was very useful and beneficial for me coming from a country like Russia, where it is very difficult to lead a normal scholarly life. During my stay at NIAS I achieved the following:

• I wrote a lecture entitled “Manichaeismus: eine Art Christentum?” for the Conference Die Inkulturation des Christentums.

• I prepared a lecture entitled “Once more about ‘The Letter of James’ (1.17)” for the Conference of the Society of Biblical Literature, which will take place in Lachti (Finland) (21-24 July 1999).

• I continued working on a Greek text, which was discovered some years ago in Egypt (“The Prayer of Emanations”). I intend to publish this text with a detailed commentary soon.

• I collected and copied new material for my future book

on Manichaeism.