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Katona, L.

Katona, L.

Lucia Katona, born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1956. Ph.D. from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Associate Professor of Linguistics at Eötvoös Loránd University, Budapest.

Being an applied linguist I had set myself very practical,aims, such as to research the latest developments in oral proficiency testing; to get updated in the research literature of related fields in applied linguistics; and to visit Dutch educational institutions where the English language istaught to teenagers and adults. I managed to realise all of these aims by visiting CITO, by meeting prominent Dutch scholars in my field, by observing some English classes and through extensive reading. I have benefitted a lot from the rich interdisciplinary programme NIAS organised for us: the lecture series, the formal and informal discussions with TRIS and NIAS Fellows, as well as my visits to five different educational institutions. These all proved to be very stimulating and informative. With their help I was able to enrich my professional expertise and to greatly extend my knowledge about current issues in other disciplines.Taking part in a truly international community was the most memorable experience for me. It was interesting and useful for the TRIS and NIAS Fellows to compare and contrast differences and similarities in our working conditions, research methods, ways of thinking and ways of life. It was also stimulating to exchange ideas, in both formal and informal circumstances, on topical political, cultural, economic and professional issues