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Kaiser, W.

Kaiser, W.

Wolfram Kaiser, born in Lemgo, Germany, in 1966. Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg. Professor of European Studies at the University of Portsmouth.

Fellow (1 September 2010 – 31 January 2011)


During my stay at the NIAS (1 September 2010 to 31 January 2011) I have worked on two co-authored books. The first book investigates ways in which “Europe” plays an increasingly important role in (especially history) museums across Europe. I have written one chapter, on institutions, actors and networks in European museum politics, and made substantial progress with a second chapter on narratives of European integration. This book will first come out in German with the publisher Boehlau, in 2012, with an English version to follow in 2013. The second book (NIAS theme group “Inventing Europe”) addresses ways in which technology-related issues have been governed transnationally in Europe since the mid-nineteenth century. I have written sections for chapter 2 on international organizations and experts and made progress on chapter 4 (steel sector). This book will be published by Palgrave in 2013.

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