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Judycki, S.

Judycki, S.

Stanislaw Judycki, born in Gdańsk, Poland, in 1954. Ph.D. from the Catholic University of Lublin. Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Catholic University of Lublin.

Mellon Fellow (1 September 1996 – 31 January 1997)

During my five month-stay at NIAS I began to draft the first chapter of my Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind in which I have discussed, among other things, the main arguments concerning dualism anti-dualism debate, the nature of inner experience, and the problem of so-called qualia.

I also analysed the literature concerning the problem of a priori knowledge. Main problems that emerged from this analysis were the following: a priori knowledge and innate concepts, a priori knowledge and the problem of strict universality and necessity of some propositions, the nature of logic and mathematics in the context of the problem of a priori knowledge. Historically my research was concerned with contributions to this problem made by Kant, Husserl, Quine and Kripke.

My third task at NIAS was to analyse the introductory books to theory of knowledge (or philosophical epistemology). My strategic aim is to write an introduction to philosophical epistemology and in this way to contribute to the introduction to the Polish philosophical literature the epistemological questions discussed after the Second World War in English and American literature. Polish epistemological literature in this period was dominated by Marxist, Kantian, phenomenological and, more generally, a continental style of presenting a so-called problem of human knowledge. Following the main lines of this third project I studied many books concerning philosophical epistemology.