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Jones, Tod

Jones, Tod

Tod Jones, born in Balaklava, Australia, in 1977. Ph.D. from Curtin University. Research Fellow, Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute, Perth.

Fellow (1 February 2013 – 30 June 2013)

International Dimensions of Postcolonial National Cultures: UNESCO and Indonesia, 1949-2010

This project investigates the international dimension of cultural policy formation amongst new nation-states following World War II until 2010 focussing on Indonesia. It analyses how cultural debates, conferences and programs in UNESCO operated as an international forum that informed postcolonial cultural concepts and policies. Due to the non-aligned movement’s critical approach to international cultural and information orders, UNESCO offers opportunities to explore the role of international institutions in innovation of cultural concepts and policies, in particular their adaptation by postcolonial states. Using interviews and archival research in Indonesia and Europe and working with KITLV and LIPI researchers, the research will provide an overview of changes to cultural programs from 1945 until 2010 using Indonesia as a case study, the cultural policy debates of the 1970s and 1980s, debates over culture, development and diversity across the World Decade of Cultural Development (1988-1998), and the shift to cultural industries in the 2000s.

Selected Publications

T. Jones. 2012. ‘Indonesian Cultural Policy Post-Suharto.’ Indonesia. 93: 147-176.

T. Jones. 2008. ‘Bomb the base in the bus: Public transport as intersections of a local popular culture in Padang, Indonesia.’ Continuum, 22 no. 1: 127-139.

T. Jones. 2007. ‘Liberalism and Cultural Policy in Indonesia.’ Social Identities, vol. 13, no. 4: 441-58.

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