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Johnson, E.A.

Johnson, E.A.

Eric Johnson, born in Salem, Massachusetts, USA, in 1948. Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Professor of History at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant.

Fellow (1 September 1998 – 30 June 1999)

During my Fellowship year at NIAS I wrote the final chapters of my forthcoming book “The Nazi Terror: Gestapo, Jews, and Other Germans” (New York: Basic Books, January 2000). In addition to this I wrote two lengthy articles which I am now trying to find publishers for and co-authored an article based on a public interview I conducted at NIAS in December 1998 with the celebrated German historian Reinhart Koselleck about his experiences in Nazi Germany. Other results of my stay at NIAS are four scholarly presentations/public lectures that I gave either at NIAS or elsewhere in The Netherlands and a book on “Social Control in Western Europe” that I am now editing with Dutch and English colleagues.