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Jennings, M.K.

Jennings, M.K.

Kent Jennings, born in California, USA, in 1934. Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Fellow (1 September 1988 – 31 July 1989)

I engaged in four main projects during my fellowship period:

In conjunction with Thomassen, I conducted the analysis and prepared a paper (Party Systems, Party Differences and Homogeneity) comparing the perception and attitudes of American and Dutch voters regarding political parties in two-party Netherlands and multi-party United States;

A second undertaking in this area resulted in a joint paper (Political Environments, Partisanship and Involvement) with an American colleague in which the place of proximate and distal forces were examined in charting the changing distribution of partisanship in the American generation coming of age in the 1960s;

I carried out the final pre-publication phase of a co-authored and co-edited book dealing with political participation and values in the Netherlands, West-Germany and the United States, Continuities in Political Action;

The final activity consisted of extensive preparations for an American-Chinese collaborative survey study of economic and political reform at the local level in China.