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Inglis, F.C.

Inglis, F.C.

Fred Inglis, born in Durham, UK, in 1937. Ph.D. from the University of Bristol. Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Sheffield.

Fellow (1 September 1998 – 30 June 1999)

During the year I not only wrote the last chapter of my shortly-to-be-published “The Delicious History of the Holiday” (Routledge 1999) but also began and completed a 75,000 word manuscript entitled “Clifford Geertz” to be published by Polity Press in their Key Contemporary Thinkers series in 2000. Alongside these compilations, I began my 150,000 word study “The People’s Witness: The Journalist in Modern Politics”, the titular research for which I was granted the Fellowship. With the help of the remarkable efficiency of the library, I have cleared a very substantial body of reading towards this study, and expect to complete a manuscript sometime towards the middle of year 2000. The Institute gave me also otherwise unavailable and ample time and elbow room in which to prepare one named lecture (University of Sussex and WEA) and several conference papers given variously at the Universities of Sussex, Plymouth, Sheffield, the BFI and the IAS at Uppsala. Naturally, all this busy work was helped by the actively confederate as well as extremely good humoured and comradely atmosphere of the Institute itself.