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Horty, J.

Horty, J.

John Horty, born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA, in 1954. Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. Professor of Philosophy and Affiliate Professor of Computer Science, University of Maryland

Fellow (1 February 2011 – 30 June 2011)


I had two goals for my time at NIAS. The first was to complete, or make substantial progress toward completing, a book manuscript entitled “Reasons as Defaults”. The second was to develop my contacts with various Dutch researchers and to explore areas of common interest. Concerning the first goal: I spent the first two and a half months of my visit working intensely on the manuscript (often for 10-hour days and always for at least six days a week) and was able to complete the manuscript by mid-May. It is now forthcoming with Oxford University Press, and I hope to see it in print by late 2011 or early 2012. Concerning the second goal: I spoke with many Dutch researchers, and gave talks at several Dutch universities.

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