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Horst, P.W. van der

Horst, P.W. van der

Pieter van der Horst, born in Driebergen, the Netherlands, in 1946. Ph.D. from Utrecht University. Professor in New Testament Exegesis, Early Christian Literature, and the Jewish and Hellenistic Milieu of Early Christianity at Utrecht University.

Fellow (1 September 1995 – 31 January 1996)

During the five months I spent at NIAS I was able to carry out more research and to be more productive in terms of writing than I could have anticipated. In my original application, written in the autumn of 1994 I had expressed the wish to finish work on volume one of my “Sourcebook for the Study of the World of Early Christianity”. In fact, however, at the end of the fourth month not only volume one (with the Jewish material) but also volume two (with the Greco-Roman material) had been completed.

This gave me the opportunity to spend the final month on writing an article for a Festschrift and three book reviews (moreover, I prepared my courses for the second semester). I have no doubt that this unexpectedly high productivity is entirely due to the ideal situation at NIAS. The quiet surroundings and the excellent infrastructure enable scholars to fully concentrate upon their essential task: research.