Pieter van der Horst, born in Driebergen, the Netherlands, in 1946. Ph.D. from Utrecht University. Professor Emeritus of New Testament Exegesis, Early Christian Literature and the Jewish and Hellenistic World of Early Christianity at Utrecht University.
Fellow (1 September 2006 – 30 June 2007)
The project was to make an English translation of and elaborate commentary on a number of early Jewish prayer texts in Greek, to be written in co-authorship with Professor Judith Newman. She and I each wrote four chapters; we wrote the Introduction together. We managed to finish the book in the final half of June to send to the editor of the series in which it will be published (Walter de Gruyter Verlag in Berlin) by the end of the NIAS term. Since our knowledge and expertise complement each other, the book has become a better piece of work than if either of us had worked alone. An additional factor is we were able to discuss various problems of interpretation with specialists in ancient history and philosophy like Edward Dabrowa and Leonid Zhmud. Apart from our book, I also wrote three articles for international Festschriften and journals and six book reviews for a variety of periodicals. I gave three lectures abroad (in Israel).