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Herik, H.J. van den

Jaap van den Herik, born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 1947. Ph.D. from Delft University of Technology. Professor of Computer Science, Tilburg University, and Professor of Law and Computer Science, Leiden University.

Guest of the Rector (1 February 2011 – 30 June 2011)

How should e-Humanities be managed?

The debate in Social Sciences and Humanities on the current nature of our society ranges from the view that the world is socially driven to one that views the world as technologically driven. Within this range we may distinguish many nuances. In my project I will investigate the future research directions and consequently the implications of the development of e-Humanities. The research will focus on formulating questions that require a multidisciplinary approach, and were out of reach some three years ago. Here machine learning and data mining are an enormous help. Moreover, my e-Humanities project will aim at positioning the subject in the Dutch research world by investigating (1) its relations with e-Science and the e-Science Research Centre, (2) its relations with Computational Humanities (and Digital Humanities), and (3) the development of new research methodologies in the area of e-Humanities.

Berezhnoy, I.J., Postma, E.O., & Herik, H.J. van den, “Automatic extraction of brushstroke orientation from paintings”, in  Machine Vision and Applications, 20(1), 1-8 (Berlin: Springer, 2009).

Berezhnoy, I.J., Postma, E.O., & Herik, H.J. van den, “Computer analysis of Van Gogh’s complementary colours”, in Pattern Recognition Letters, 28(6), 703-709 (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2007).

Bergboer, N.H., Postma, E.O., & Herik, H.J. van den, “Context-based object detection in still images”, in Image and Vision Computing, 24(9), 987-1000 (Guildford, Surrey: Butterworth Scientific, 2006).

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