Jerald Hage, born in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, in 1932. Ph.D. from Columbia University, New York. Director of the Centre for Innovation and Professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Fellow (1 September 1998 – 30 June 1999)

Considerable conceptual progress was made in the development of a general theory of social change that tries to connect the relationships between organisations and institutions. Several papers were prepared for a special issue of Organizational Studies, one with Rogers Hollingsworth and another with Marius Meeus, other team members of the institutions, organisations, and innovation theme group.

One edited book that involves the collection of papers delivered at the Royal Academy of Science in Sweden was largely finished and more specifically I rewrote the introduction and a chapter on the organisational factors that make for significant discoveries. Again, this was a joint effort with Rogers Hollingsworth.

Finally, I wrote a long chapter on a book concerned with rethinking organisational theory in the light of globalisation and post industrialisation.