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Gullestad, M.

Gullestad, M.

Marianne Gullestad, born in, Kristiansand, Norway, in 1946. Ph.D. from the University of Bergen. Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Research, Oslo and Guest Professor at the University of Tromsø. († 2008)

Fellow (1 September 2002 – 30 June 2003)

During my stay as Guest of the Rector at NIAS (from March to April 2003), I was in a transitional period between two large research projects. I used some of my time at NIAS to finish a study of the public debates on immigration in Norway. I revised and sent off three articles in English from that project. I also used some of the time to start a new project on missionary photographs. My aim is to examine closely some of the historical beginnings of categories, ideas and images that are currently regarded as natural and self-evident, and to equip people to better contest the contemporary forms of transformed colonial ideas, which tend not to be regarded as such. Since this project is in its initial stage, it will be a few years before the results are submitted for publication. The stay at NIAS gave me peace and quiet to read and think, as well as valuable conversations and exchange of ideas with the other Fellows. With Professor Abdelmajid Kaddouri, in particular, I developed plans for future cooperation. In addition, I want to mention the valuable copy-editing assistance offered by NIAS’ staff.