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Green, D.H.

Green, D.H.

Dennis Green, born in Bournemouth, UK, in 1922. Ph.D. from Universität Basel. Professor of Modern Languages and Schröder Professor of German at the University of Cambridge.

Guest of the Rector (Winter 1997-98) 

I came to Wassenaar intending to devote my time to two research projects, the first of which was the completion of a book for the press, Language and History in the Early Germanic World and the second was further work on the problem of fictionality in the medieval German court romance.

The first task was completed gratifyingly earlier than I had expected and the book was speedily published, appearing in August this year

This left most of my time for new work. Most (but not all) of my time was devoted to research on what will form the main part of the book in progress, an investigation into the relationship between history and fiction in the early romance. What helped me immensely (and what I could not realise in advance) was the presence of two other medievalists at Wassenaar, Douglas Kelly and Frank Willaert, who were working in closely similar fields and with whom I had almost daily stimulating discussions and exchanges of papers. As a result, this major part of the book is now nearing completion, although it still has to be written up in final form. For this reason alone I regard my stay, even if for only three months, as personally most successful.

I came to Wassenaar intending to devote my time to two research projects, the first of which was the completion of a book for the press Language and History in the Early Germanic World and the second was further work on the problem of fictionality in the medieval German court romance.

The first task was completed gratifyingly earlier than I had expected and the book was speedily published, appearing in August this year.