Bruno Frey, born in Basle, Switzerland, in 1941. Ph.D. from the University of Basle. Professor of Economics at the University of Zurich.
Jelle Zijlstra Professorial Fellow (1 November 2002 – 31 January 2003)
I had the privilege of staying at NIAS for three months from November and December 2002 and January 2003. During this period I was able to write the first version of a manuscript on the Economics of Terrorism, provisionally entitled ‘Overcoming Terrorism: Policies Beyond Deterrence’ and to pursue my work on the economic analysis of happiness.
I presented the First Jelle Zijlstra Lecture on ‘The Role of Deterrence and Tax Morale in Taxation in the European Union’ at the VU University of Amsterdam; gave a NIAS-Lecture on ‘An Economist Looks at Happiness Research’; as well as three lectures at the University of Rotterdam.
The quiet and congenial atmosphere at the Institute enabled me to make more rapid progress with my book manuscript on the Economics of Terrorism than I ever dreamt possible. The research support is just excellent, starting with the good computer outfit, the efficient library services and the most professional editing help. This helped me greatly to be scientifically productive. I had many interesting talks with other Fellows mostly during lunch. I received many invitations for talks of which I accepted only a few, as I wanted to spend most of my time at the Institute. I am most grateful for the wonderful period I could stay at NIAS.