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Fögen, Thorsten

Fögen, Thorsten


Thorsten Fögen, born in Hagen (Westfalen), Germany, in 1971. Ph.D. from University of Heidelberg, Germany. Reader (Associate Professor) in Classics at Durham University, UK.

Fellow (1 September 2015 – 30 June 2016)

Emotional Elements in Ancient Technical Texts

Project Description

Ancient technical texts are rarely completely “neutral” and fact-oriented, they frequently contain emotional elements which are used by technical writers to direct their readers’ responses and to advertise their own scholarly as well as moral authority. It is the aim of this project to investigate the meaning and function of feelings and emotions in a variety of Greek and Roman technical texts from the fifth century B.C. until the second and third centuries A.D. It will be asked what types of feelings and emotions can be identified in ancient technical texts and to what extent their use is determined by the literary form of the texts in which they occur.

Selected Publications

1)  Thorsten Fögen, “Patrii sermonis egestas”: Einstellungen lateinischer Autoren zu ihrer Muttersprache. Ein Beitrag zum Sprachbewußtsein in der römischen Antike, München & Leipzig 2000.

2)  Thorsten Fögen, Wissen, Kommunikation und Selbstdarstellung. Zur Struktur und Charakteristik römischer Fachtexte der frühen Kaiserzeit, München 2009.

3)  Thorsten Fögen (ed.), Antike Fachtexte – Ancient Technical Texts, Berlin & New York 2005.

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