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Flanagan, R.J.

Robert Flanagan, born in New Haven, Connecticut, USA, in 1941. Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Professor of Labour Economics at Stanford University, Palo Alto.

Fellow (1 September 1990 – 30 June 1991)

I participated in the theme group in Comparative Labour Contracts at NIAS. As a part of that group, I collaborated with Fellows Joop Hartog and Jules Theeuwes on an analysis of comparative data on employment arrangements. In a second project I adapted voting models used for the analysis of legislative institutions to the study of the determination of union objectives. A paper will be published as part of a book on models of labor union behavior. A third project initiated and completed at NIAS assessed the extent to which an equalization of wages across European Community countries followed the Treaty of Rome and the extent to which changes in wage equalization could be attributed to the elimination of legal barriers to labor mobility