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Enyedi, Z.

Enyedi, Z.

Zsolt Enyedi, born in Dej, Romania, in 1967. Ph.D. from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Associate Professor of Political Science at Central European University, Budapest

Magyar Fellow (1 September 2000 – 31 January 2001)

During my stay at NIAS, I worked on a number of parallel projects. I analysed the spatial positioning of Hungarian parties on the basis of attitude-data and I presented some of these results at a NIAS Seminar. I completed a comprehensive book on parties and party systems that will be used as a textbook in Hungarian universities. Together with three colleagues of mine, I produced a project outline on researching the structure and dynamics of Church-State relations in Europe. I also gathered information to write a chapter on the ‘purple coalition’ currently in power in the Netherlands. Finally, I supervised and co-ordinated a national survey on political tolerance, authoritarianism and conservatism in Hungary.