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Emmelkamp, P.M.G.

Emmelkamp, P.M.G.

Paul Emmelkamp, born in Baarn, the Netherlands, in 1949. Ph.D. from Utrecht University. Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Amsterdam.

Fellow (1 September 2004 – 30 June 2005)


Most of my time at the NIAS was devoted to my original plan to investigate the effectiveness of psychotherapy and factors associated with evidence-based therapy. During my stay at NIAS, several research projects were completed on topics including cognitive behaviour therapy in the elderly, cognitive-behaviour therapy in children with ADHD, cognitive behaviour therapy in post-traumatic stress disorder, virtual reality exposure therapy in specific phobias and evidence-based psychotherapy in avoidant personality disorder. A number of articles and book chapters on these topics were accepted for publication and a few more are currently under review. In addition, I worked on two monographs in this area, one on substance abuse (with E. Vedel) and one on personality disorders (with J.H. Kamphuis), which will be published in 2006 by Brunner-Routledge (New York) and Taylor & Francis (London) respectively.

In addition, I devoted time to the completion of a number of research projects in forensic psychology, resulting in a number of co-authored chapters and articles, which have been accepted for publication, one co-edited volume on “Stalking” and one co-edited Special Issue of Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy on “Forensic Psychology”. Finally, I gave a number of lectures and contributed to a number of international meetings.