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Doel, H.W. van den

Doel, H.W. van den

Wim van den Doel, born in Zierikzee, the Netherlands, in 1962. Ph.D. from Leiden University. Assistant Professor of Contemporary History at Leiden University.

Fellow (1 September 1998 – 31 January 1999)

During my stay at NIAS, I wrote a substantial part of my book on the Indonesian Revolution and the decolonisation of the Dutch empire in South East Asia. The purpose of this new book is to analyse the mentioned decolonisation process in the context of the history of the European colonial empires after World War II. A fresh approach towards the fall of the Dutch empire in Asia is needed, not only to do justice to the many recent studies on many different aspects of this history, but also to present an alternative view on events than at present are dominant in Dutch historiography. The book will be published in the Spring 2000 by Bert Bakker/Prometheus Publishers in Amsterdam.