
Eveline Crone, born in Schiedam, the Netherlands, 1975. Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Professor in Neurocognitive Developmental Psychology at Leiden University.

Guest of the Rector (1 September 2014 – 31 January 2015)

Development of the Social Brain in Adolescence

Research Question

My aim is to understand how brain development underlies changes in affective and social development in adolescence. This will lead to many new insights in high stake behavioral changes which take place in adolescence, such as increases in sensation-seeking, risk taking, sensitivity to opinions of friends, etc.

Project Description

In the last two decades, there has been increased interest and tremendous advances in understanding how brain development underlies changes in affective and social development in adolescence. This has led to many new insights in high stake behavioral changes which take place in adolescence, such as increases in sensation-seeking, risk taking, sensitivity to opinions of friends, etc. Even though many scholarly articles and reviews have been published, there is currently no comprehensive book covering insights from social neuroscience in relation to adolescent development. At NIAS I will work on a book which describes changes in adolescent behavior in the domains of control, emotion, decision-making and social development vis-à-vis insights from cognitive and social-affective neuroscience.

Selected Publications

1) Crone, E.A. & Dahl, R.E. (2012). Understanding adolescence as a period of social–affective engagement and goal flexibility. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 13, 636-650.

2) Crone, E. A. (2013). Considerations of fairness in the adolescent brain. Child Development Perspectives 7 (2): 97-103.

3) Crone, E.A., & Güroğlu, B. (2014). Development of emotion and social reasoning in adolescence. Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience.

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