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C.D. Partenie

C.D. Partenie

Catalin Partenie, born in Pitesti, Romania, in 1962. Ph.D. from the University of Glasgow. Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bucharest.

During my stay at NIAS I conducted research on Plato’s distinction between time and eternity, which I envisage turning into an article by the end of the summer. In the meantime I completed a study on Plato’s views on immortality, “Eternity Revisited”, which will be published this year in Romania. I have also completed another paper on Plato, “When You Cannot Do Philosophy by Yourself: Truth and Dialogue in Plato”, which I shall soon submit to the Utrecht-based journal An early draft of this  last paper was read at a seminar organised by the Department of Philosophy, Leiden University. Needless to say, it has been interesting to meet so many scholars from all over the world.