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Bruijn, J. de

Bruijn, J. de

Jan de Bruijn, born in Gemert, the Netherlands, in 1948. Ph.D. from the University of Groningen. Professor of Political History at the VU University, Amsterdam, and Director of the Historical Documentation Centre for Dutch Protestantism.

Fellow (1 September 1998 – 30 June 1999)

During my stay at NIAS I wrote a book on the history of the Dutch women’s organisation ‘Vrouwen VU-Hulp’ (1932-1997), which had raised considerable funds for the Free University in Amsterdam. The book, a case-study about pillarisation and feminism in the Netherlands, was published in September 1999 as Volume I in a series on the history of the Free University.

Secondly I edited (together with my colleague Dr. G. Harinck) letters by the Dutch scholars Herman Bavinck and Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (1875-1921). This book was published in March 1999. I also made progress on the biography of M. Ruppert, the Dutch politician and trade-union leader, although I did not manage to finish this book at NIAS as originally planned.

Finally, I spent a part of my time editing (with other colleagues) three books: a volume of collected essays by my senior colleague from Leiden University, J. van den Berg (published in August 1999), a book with papers delivered at the Abraham Kuyper Conference at the Free University, Amsterdam in June 1998 (to be published in December 1999), and a Liber Amicorum for my so prematurely deceased friend, the Dutch historian E.W.A. Henssen, that will be published in Spring 2000.