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Braun, R.

Braun, R.

Robert Braun, born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1966. Ph.D. from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Associate Professor of Philosophy at Budapest University of Economics.

Magyar Fellow (1 September 1997 – 31 January 1998)

During my stay at NIAS I worked on my book on A Theory of Narrative Identity as well as on some other projects. I did extensive research into the area of narrative theory, identity construction, and theories of gender.

As originally planned I worked on two chapters of the book. First I completed a chapter entitled “The Public and the Private: Hannah Arendt’s Performative Ontology”. Later I worked on a chapter which defines the key concepts of my theory of narrative identity entitled “The Problem of Post-Traditional Identity after Modernity”.

By completing these two chapters as well as doing substantial research for another part of the book, which deals with the construction of gender identity as well as the problem of revolutionary constitutionalism, I believe that I have made effective use of my time at NIAS