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Bos, J.W.

Bos, J.W.

Jan Willem Bos, born in Driebergen Rijsenburg, the Netherlands, in 1959. Translator in Leiderdorp.

Translator-in-Residence (1 September 2011 – 31 January 2012)


During my stay at NIAS, (September 1, 2011 – February 1, 2012) I mainly worked on the translation of the third volume of the trilogy Orbitor (Blinding) by the Romanian author Mircea Cărtărescu. I used the first month to finalize my translation of the second volume and did a few smaller translations. Since October 2011, I managed to translate some 400 pages – in a first version – of the book. In parallel, I wrote an article about a trip to Romania undertaken by a group of Dutch intellectuals in the 1920s and prepared the translation of some Romanian stories for a Dutch literary magazine.