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Berrebi, Sophie

Berrebi, Sophie

Sophie Berrebi, born in Paris, France, in 1973. Ph.D. from the University of London, Assistant Professor of History and Theory of Photography at the University of Amsterdam.

Fellow (1 September 2012 – 31 January 2013)


NIAS enabled me to explore further the methodological aspects of my research. The presence of historians in the group and discussions with them prompted a closer exploration on my part of the Annales school and its legacy and this provided a critical and methodological background against which I was able to clarify the aims and purposes of the book I was seeking to complete during my stay. These issues I explored in an essay for an edited book in which I notably discuss Michel de Certeau’s writings on historiography. I intend to develop the points made in this essay into the introduction to my book, “The Document Reversed”, which is now nearing completion. In addition to this essay I was able to revise two chapters and write the bulk of a chapter of film and post-colonial discourse.

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