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Balibar, E.

Balibar, E.

Etienne Balibar, born in Avallon, France, in 1942. Ph.D. from Radboud University Nijmegen. Associate Professor of Philosophy at Université Paris I, Sorbonne.

Fellow (1 September 1992 – 30 June 1993)

When arriving at NIAS I wanted to carry further my research in two complementary fields : (1) Philosophical anthropology, and (2) The politics of “Equaliberty”. As for (1), I have written two of the four missing chapters and a draft of the general introduction. As for (2) I have abandoned the idea of collecting a number of Essays in a single volume: I am currently writing a more theoretical essay on the “conditions of politics” which I hope could be published as a small volume at the end of this year.