Klaus Bade, born in Sierentz, Alsace Lorraine, in 1944. Ph.D. from the University of Erlangen Nuremberg. Chair in Modern and Contemporary History and Director of the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at Universität Osnabrück.
Fellow (1 September 2002 – 30 June 2003)
The academic year 2002/03 was my second NIAS fellowship. My first was in 1996/97 and resulted in a book entitled Europa in Bewegung. Migration vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Munich 2000, Ital. ed. 2001, French ed. 2002; Span. and Engl. ed. 2003).
During the academic year 2002/03, I worked on the preparation of a European encyclopaedia of migration, integration and minorities with Pieter C. Emmer and Leo Lucassen, both co-editors and NIAS Fellows. Jochen Oltmer, the fourth co-editor based in Osnabrueck, cooperated with Michael Schubert in editing the German edition of the encyclopaedia. The German edition is scheduled for publication by Fink/Schoeningh, the English edition by Cambridge UP. The manuscript of the German edition (around three volumes) should be finished by the end of 2004; the English manuscript is planned for completion in 2005/06.
The encyclopaedia will contain 300 (284) group entries of varying length (2.5 to 15 pages), according to the importance of the migration group in question. We were able to index nearly 200 (195) of these group entries and edit nearly 100 (98) entries for revision by the authors. Only two entries had to be rejected. Apart from this, 12 extended (approximately 20-30 pages) overview articles were completed, some written by the editors themselves, on subjects ranging from specific cases in countries or regions to aspects and leading perspectives. One meeting of the editors and assistant editors took place at the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), Osnabrueck University, in November 2002, the second one at NIAS in March 2003, and another at IMIS, Osnabrueck, shortly after the end of the NIAS fellowship.
Apart from preparing the encyclopaedia, I finished co-editing three books, prepared two more and wrote seven articles for books and scientific journals. Moreover, I held ten lectures in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium and made a variety of contributions to the media (articles and interviews for newspapers and radio programmes).