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Anrooij, W. van

Anrooij, W. van

Wim van Anrooij, born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 1957. Ph.D. from Leiden University. Assistant Professor of Medieval Dutch Literature at Leiden University.

Fellow (1 September 1995 – 30 June 1996)

During my NIAS stay I succeeded in (nearly) finishing a book, which will be published in 1997: Helden van weleer. De traditie van de Negen Besten in de Nederlanden (ca. 1300-1700), [Heroes of the Past. The Tradition of the Nine Worthies in the Low Countries (c. 1300-1700)].

I also edited a book (written by five specialists in the field), to be published in 1996 or 1997, on the late-fifteenth-century panel paintings on the Counts of Holland in the townhall in Haarlem, De Haarlemse gravenportretten. Hollandse geschiedenis in woord en beeld. I revised two of my own chapters and I wrote a third one during my NIAS year. I revised and completed an article on the thirteenth-century romance on Troy by Segher Diengotgaf, “Het wapenteken van Hector in Seghers ‘Trojeroman’” and I wrote an article on the negative role of the Frisians in a Middle Dutch Arthurian romance, “Friezen in de Lancelot compilatie, vijanden van koning Artur”. During the year I gave four lectures on different subjects in Amsterdam, Haarlem and Düsseldorf.