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Aniol, W.

Aniol, W.

Wlodzimierz Aniol, born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1955. Ph.D. from the University of Warsaw. Professor of Political Science at the University of Warsaw.

Mellon Fellow (1 September 1995 – 31 January 1996)

During my 1995/96 one semester stay at NIAS I spent most of the time on two main projects.

Firstly, I completed two case studies of the Europeanisation of Polish migration and ethnic policies. Basic conclusions of this research are scheduled to appear in a volume to be published in the USA. This is my contribution to a broader international project on the influence of Germany and the European Union on the smaller European states.

Apart from that, I have substantially enlarged these two case studies and supplemented them by an additional chapter of general character. This will be published in Warsaw in mid-1996 as a book of moderate size entitled Poland’s Migration and Ethnic Policies: European and German Influences. (119 pages).

Secondly, I was able to advance the preparation of a study on the role of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in the prevention of ethnic conflicts. I collected the literature and empirical data, especially those connected with the activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities.

Besides, I managed to write seven articles and essays about different aspects of European integration, including a Dutch perspective, mostly for Polish journals. They have already been or, hopefully, will be published soon. I also prepared and delivered a paper at a conference organised by Warsaw University, and gave a lecture at the University of Amsterdam.