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Gábor Alberti

Alberti, Gábor

Gábor Alberti, born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1963. Ph.D. from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Associate Professor of Linguistics at Janus Pannonius University, Pécs

Magyar Fellow (1 September 1998 – 31 January 1999)

During my stay at NIAS I wrote five related articles on different (morphosyntactic as well as pragmaticosemantic) aspects of discourse representation. I finished a two-volume course book on the mathematical apparatus used in modern linguistics, and I submitted a ‘habilitáció’ (the Hungarian version of German Habilitation) based on the articles written at NIAS. I dealt with two stubborn problems with the Kamp-Heim Discourse Representation Theory.

One concerns the absence of a (morpho-) syntax compositionally adequate to discourse representation structures. The second problem in Kamp-Heim’s DRT lies in the oversimplified model of the ‘hearer’s information state’ (HIS).