Discipline: Psychology
Eveline Crone
Renée Visser
Ulrike Hahn
Wagoner, Brady
How do people experience, interpret and position themselves within memorials sites? How does this differ between recent minimalist ‘counter’-memorials and more traditional heroically ...
Blonk, Roland
Too many workers particularly at the lower end of the labour market work in jobs that do not match their talents. Many low-educated workers report they would like to, but do not receive training ...
Rooij, Iris van
Psychology has been reforming its own practices over the last decade. Most of that reform has focused on experiments and statistics while neglecting theory building. How can we build better theor...
Tulviste, Tiia
I will seek answers to the following questions: 1) to what extent are self-confidence, self-expression and autonomy valued and encouraged in child-rearing by Estonian parents today, 2) how direct...
Dijk, Wilco van
What are the psychological effects of having too little money to make end meets? And how do these affect people’s choices and decisions? These are two questions that the current project tries t...
Elk, Michiel van
Everywhere in the world we find spiritual experts, gurus and shamans. However, nowhere is there a society in which everyone is an expert. Why is it that spiritual experiences come easy to some bu...
Kistner, Ulrike
I plan to investigate the psychoanalytic theorisations of anxiety, shock, and trauma, focusing on Freud’s essay ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’ (1919-1920). I will set about to fathom the ...
Kluwer, Esther
Close relationships are the core of human society. What “makes and breaks” relationships is of critical importance at the societal, community, and individual level of analysis. What are the c...
Tamietto, Marco
Neural Routes of Emotional Contagion without Awareness Research Question How does our brain recognize emotions without awareness? How can we synchronize our expressions and feelings with those of...
Hagenaars, Muriel
Research Question During my stay at the NIAS I will address the following questions: – How can different sorts of immobility be distinguished (e.g., shared and specific markers)? – How can fi...
Spinhoven, Philip
My Optimism Wears Heavy Boots: so much research, so few implications, towards ‘patient-proof’ empirical models and more effective interventions in mental health Research Question Most treatme...
Petkov, Chris
Personalia Chris Petrov. Ph.D. from University of California, Davis, USA. Professor of Comparative Neuropsychology at Newcastle University, UK. Theme Group Fellow (1 April 2017 – 30 June 2017) ...
Kirschner, Paul
Personalia Paul A. Kirschner, born in New York City, USA, in 1951. Ph.D. from Open University of the Netherlands. Distinguished University Professor at Open University of the Netherlands. NSvP-F...
Koppensteiner, Markus
Personalia Markus Koppensteiner, born in Austria, in 1974. Ph.D. from University of Vienna. Post Doc Researcher of Human Behavior at the University of Vienna. EURIAS Fellow (1 Sept 2016 – 30 Ju...
Hollon, Steve
Personalia Steve Hollon, born in the USA. Ph.D. from Florida State University. Professor of Psychology at VanderBilt University, USA. Theme Group Fellow (1 Feb – 30 June 2017) My optimism wears...
Geurts, Hilde
Personalia Hilde Geurts, born in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, in 1972. Ph.D. from VU University Amsterdam. Professor of Neuropsychology at University of Amsterdam. Fellow (1 Sept 2016 – 30 June 2...