Discipline: International Relations
Lobo-Guerrero, Luis
How did the Hispanic imperial experience of the sixteenth century shape a Western modern spatial imaginary?
Rao, Rahul
Why have statues become terrains for the assertion and contestation of racial and caste supremacy? How do affective investments transform statues into sites of pride, injury and reparation?
Willmetts, Simon
How has the Central Intelligence Agency shaped American cultural and political ideas, and in turn, how have those ideas shaped the work of American intelligence?
Krause, Jana
Research of wartime civilian agency demonstrates how civilians resist armed actors collectively, adapt to changing conflict zones, and build local resilience. How does civilian resilience buildin...
Rouhana, Nadim N.
This project aims to develop a new conceptual understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by disentangling the various conflict paradigms (e.g. settler-colonial, national, national-religiou...
Thakur, Vineet
This project is a biography of the diplomatic life of V.S. Srinivasa Sastri and situates his life and work in the 1920s within the politics of liberal internationalism.
Asselin, Pierre
The project’s main question will be what structural comparative research teaches us about forms and scale of, the motives for and the conditions conducive to the use of (extreme) violence by Du...
Fierke, Karin
Reading and Narrating the Refugee/Migration Crisis Research Question How are migrants/refugees streaming across Europe being constructed in the press and in the political narratives of both t...
Futák-Campbell, Beatrix
Reading and Narrating the Refugee/Migration Crisis Research Question How are those migrants/refugees streaming across European borders constructed in the press and in political narratives of va...
Plechanovova, Bela
Personalia Běla Plechanovová, born in Prague, Czech Republic, in 1956. Ph.D. from the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of History. Associated Professor of Political Science at Charles Unive...
Glasius, M.E.
Marlies Glasius, born in Haarlemmermeer, the Netherlands, in 1969. Ph.D. from Utrecht University. Associate Professor in International Relations at University of Amsterdam. Fellow (1 February 201...
Koinova, M.
Maria Koinova, born in Sofia, Bulgaria. Ph.D. from the European University Institute, Florence. Assistant Professor in International Relations and Transnationalism at the University of Amsterdam....