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Discipline: History of Science

Julia Lajus

Toine Pieters

Verburgt, Lukas M.

How does the new geological epoch of the Anthropocene transform our answers to the questions ‘What can we know?’, ‘What should we know?’ and ‘What knowledge should w...

Lehmbrock, Verena

Can we discard traditional conceptual dichotomies such as the opposition of mind and body altogether?

Hendriksen, Marieke

How did ideals of beauty and perfection shape hierarchies of academic and practical knowledge in the period 1750-1850?

Krämer, Fabian

When and how did the view emerge according to which the sciences and the humanities constitute two distinct groups of discipline – with their own methods, epistemologies, and professional ident...

Verelst, Karin

Personalia Karin Verelst, born in Mol, Belgium, in 1965. Researcher of History and Philosophy at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. (1 Sept 2016 – 31 Jan 2017) A Giant Debate: the letters of Huygens, ...

Margócsy, Dániel

Personalia Dániel Margócsy, born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1979. Ph.D. from Harvard University, USA. Associate Professor at Hunter College – CUNY, USA. Theme Group Fellow (April – June 2016)...

Buning, Marius

Personalia Marius Buning, born in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1979. Ph.D. from the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Postdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History...