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Register for Handwriting the UN Declaration of Human Rights

In celebration of the 70th anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, NIAS warmly invites you to an introvert’s protest where we will handwrite the Declaration word for word. REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.

The UN Declaration on Human Rights is one of the most important documents ever created, guaranteeing protection and freedom from abuses of power. However, the principles and values underpinning the UNDHR are, today, increasingly under threat. For this reason, NIAS Fellow Aidan McGarry invites participants to engage in an ‘introvert’s protest’ where we will each handwrite the UNDHR, start to finish. This aesthetics of protest will be a quiet, reflective space, where we focus on the meaning of the document as we write it out, whilst celebrating its continuing importance today.

It is part of the ‘Handwriting the Constitution’ project initiated by NYC-based artist Morgan O’Hara in reaction to the inauguration of Donald Trump in 2017. Since then, sessions have taken place all over the US, in Italy, Israel, Japan and other places.


15.00 Welcome by dr. Aidan McGarry (political science, NIAS Fellow)
15.05 Introduction to the UN Declaration on Human Rights by dr. Irena Rosenthal (law, UvA)
15.15 Handwriting the UN Declaration word by word by all participants
17.00 Drinks
Paper, pens and copies of the declaration in English and Dutch will be available (other languages on request)


When and Where?

Monday 10 dec 2018
15.00 – 17.00
Conference Room, NIAS
Korte Spinhuissteeg 3 Amsterdam